(Originally published for The Minnie Kinney Blog On Saturday February 2, 2017)
In New York City, New Yorkers rallied at The Stonewall Inn in solidarity with immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. The rally was held to support any and all human beings impacted by Donald Trump's un-American executive orders. Several leaders and public figures spoke out against Trump's selection of the his cabinet , arguably the most anti-LGBT nominees in modern history.
Temperatures sank to the low 20s, making attendance a challenge. But there is something to be said for several thousand New Yorkers continuing to show up despite freezing temperature and high winds. I was not able to arrive until after 2:00 PM and therefore not able to get close to the podium. However, I captured some of my favorite protest signs and interactions from my 5 foot tall vantage point.
These are my photographs of the day.
All images ©Michelle Kinney Photography /Minnie Kinney LLC
(Click on images to enlarge and scroll.)